求救, the new HD can't be booted

2007-10-01 9:52 am
我部Notebook 個 hardisk 壞左, 而家換左一個新既hardisk, 之後用放隻Window XP 既CD 入去個 External CD-rom ( 因為個notebook 是沒有CD-rom ) , 之後按F2,去改BOOT SYSTEM, 我已經選擇左Disable Hardisk & CD-rom ( 只餘下 Removable Device ), 跟住save左...之後跳番出去個晝面, 但個晝面仍然係 Operation system not found..
我想問, 我點樣先可以裝到個Window XP ???

(以我所知, 新買既HD 係未format, 我一定要through XP CD-ROM 去format....
但佢而家連booting system 都detect 唔到,, 請幫手

但係我買既係新既HD, 係唔係notebook 係裝唔到番梘WINDOW XP

回答 (1)

2007-10-01 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Please be note that, if our notebook has NO CD-rom, I think it should have Original CD-ROM in the external docking... but you didn't buy it... by the way, if you use the external CD-ROM to install the Windows, but do you know your external CD-ROM is bootable CD-Rom, being the CD-ROM may need Driver to run, of course, your CD-rom can run at Windows OS being the OS run the driver...

Is your Windows XP is come with your Notebook? If not, it may be NOT able to use for your notebook. Please check with your notebook brand service hotline.

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 00:43:32
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