
2007-10-01 8:35 am
我知澳洲入境有好多野是禁品, 但請問准山(一片片的白色中藥) 可否入境澳洲呢 ! 因為有親戚將在本星期三回澳洲, 唔知可否在港買准山!!! 急, 謝

回答 (3)

2007-10-03 9:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然沒有明文規定淮山是不可進口. 但問題是澳洲海關一向做法是有粉末的物體 9 成不可入境. 就算淮山包好, 也會有一些白色粉末出現在袋內... 白色粉末呀... 你估佢地會唔會扣起佢慢慢同你傾計呢 ??
淮山就真係建議你唔好帶啦.. 反正又不是太值錢的東西...
2007-10-05 3:09 am
I think I am too late to help you.
Herbal medicine is allowed to bring in Australia, as long as they are in sealed bag and there's no bug in it. Of course you need to declare it. Just this monday I returned to Aus through Sydney airport, I declared I have plant matters with me. The custom asked me what it was, I told them it's tea leaves and herbal medicine. They just scan my baggage and let me get through.
Please note that nowadays all bagages are either scan or hand check. There's no green passage to pass thru without checking.

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