How can you make more moeny being self employed?

2007-10-01 4:49 am
Most companies go out of business after the first five years not to mention you have to pay more in taxes and have to have so much capital to start out with. So how can a regular person be self-employed without it sucking all your resources?

回答 (9)

2007-10-01 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
you need to secure a contract from a large company as your main source of income then the small customers are just the cream on the cake
2007-10-01 3:03 pm
Most small start up's do not make it 2 years. However, you should not let that discourage you. You don't HAVE any taxes unless you make money! How you pay taxes depends on how you set up the company. You need to have a plan, how you are going to raise funds etc.. Try the Small Business Administration. They can send you to groups such as SCORE, they offer advise and direction.

If you are not willing to take the risk of using all of your resourses on your business, then you must raise funds else where. But either way, you had better be ready, willing and able to do whatever it takes to insure that you can make it. That way, if you don't, you will know that you did everything you could.

I've been self employeed for 25 years. My most recent business, started 18 months ago... I work 7 days a week with a typical day being 12 hours+. With many days being 14-16 hours. Be sure that you as close to an expert on whatever it is that you want to do. We broke even the first year.

It takes alot of nerve to throw yourself off the cliff and hope your bungie cord holds!
2007-10-01 5:59 am
i think ebay is a good way to start self employed. you can be a boss from listing to mailing an item. it's fun.
2007-10-01 5:36 am
>>Most companies go out of business after the first five years

You're not a company.

>>not to mention you have to pay more in taxes

Really? I pay the same rate regardless of my job...everyone does.

>>and have to have so much capital to start out with.

Could be close to zero if you're a service business. How much does it take to buy and sell on ebay?...a few hundred perhaps?
2007-10-01 5:07 am
first off dont go over you head and start big remember we all have to start off small and then get bigger. keep a good record on all of your expenses and all the profits.most of the extra money you get out of the buisness go ahead and re- invest it into the company. sure you have to pay more taxes but alot of things you buy are tax exempt if it for the buisness. my father his two brothers have made a very stable company that has been open for more than 10yrs and the stared it off with just 1500 so you really dont need a small fortune to make a company just hard work dedication and some financial common sence.
2007-10-01 5:06 am
When you work for a business, that business makes a profit after it pays you. It is always better to work for yourself. The answer to not failing in your new business is lots of pre-planning and starting with enough capital.

New businesses usually start out making your poorer before they would ever make you rich.
2007-10-01 4:54 am
You usually can't make a lot of money without putting *some* in, but there's a lot of opportunities out there for making a good profit. If I were you I'd save up a little and then invest it in an idea - something that's not going to be very high risk.

Have you thought about what your business might do? (if you were self employed)

What would you offer people or sell?

How would you finance this and what is your backup plan?

Think about these questions and you can't go too far wrong.
參考: Personal experience
2007-10-01 4:54 am
One of the nice things about being self-employed is you can figure out how to deduct a good portion of your life (depending on your business), thus lowering your taxable income a great deal. That way the government doesn't suck up all your resources at the end of the year.
2007-10-01 4:53 am
Work longer hours?

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