Can you stick your tounge out far?

2007-09-30 8:58 am

回答 (6)

2007-09-30 1:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
My tongue can reach the foods I love to taste, and prefers to stay in my mouth watching it's "P's" and"Q's", instead of out because most every time I stick it out it gets me into trouble.
參考: 24+ years in the dental field
2007-10-07 4:36 am
5 inches
2007-09-30 9:18 am
I can touch the tip of my nose.........
2007-09-30 9:06 am
only to my cheek...SL
2007-09-30 9:06 am
2007-09-30 9:02 am
sometimes, it depends on how will my tongue feel after.
參考: personal

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 01:23:22
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