急~唔該幫我翻譯番中文 10分 thx

2007-10-01 4:31 am
10分 ,唔該幫我翻譯番中文 ,超急呀 ,幫下手呀, 唔識都盡量la,thx~

專家正研究為海洋「施肥」以對抗暖化的可行性。科學家估計,在海水中加入鐵質,可改變海水的化學成分,刺激浮游生物生長,吸收海水及大氣層中的二氧化碳,降低溫室效應。浮游生物死後會沉到海底,將碳元素永久鎖在海底。科學家早在80年代已提出海水加鐵可抗暖化這理論,儘管許多海洋科學家均質疑理論的可行性。不過英國 《星期日泰晤士報》昨引述美國伍茲霍爾海洋研究所的比塞爾勒博士說,實驗證明「加鐵抗暖化」是有可能的。

回答 (2)

2007-10-01 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

The expert is studying to"apply fertilizer" with the feasibility of resisting the warming for the ocean.The scientist estimates, joining an iron in the sea water, the chemistry composition of convertibility sea water, stimulate plankton growth, absorption sea water and the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, reduce a green house effect.The plankton will sink bottom of sea after dying, locking a carbon element permanently in the bottom of sea.Scientist's s early as 80's hasing already put forward sea water to add an iron can the anti- warm this ories, though many ocean scientists all query a theoretical feasibility.However England 《Sunday Times 》quoted an American Woods, the Huo Er ocean institute yesterday of compare filled the Doctor of Er Lei to say, "add an iron anti- a warming" of the experiment certificate is probably.


専門家は海洋の「施肥する」に研究していて温暖化する実行可能性を対抗します。科学家は見積もって、海水の中で鉄質に加入して、海水の化学の成分を変わって、刺激して浮かんで生物の生長が泳いで、海水及び大気の中の二酸化炭素を吸収して、温室効果を下げることが出来ます。浮かんで生物死が泳いだ後海底が沈めて、カーボンのエレメントを永久に海底にかかります。科学家です早くも~に 80 年代はもう海水が鉄を加えると提出したできる逆らうはこの理論が温暖化する、けれども海洋の科学家が皆理論を質疑したたくさんの実行可能性。しかし英国《タイムズ日曜日に》昨がアメリカの伍茲霍爾の海洋の大学院を引用するのよりドクターを勒を爾を塞いで言う実験の証明の「鉄逆らうを加えて温暖化する」ですかもしれないの。


专家正研究为海洋「施肥」以对抗暖化的可行性。科学家估计,在海水中加入铁质,可改变海水的化学成分,刺激浮游生物生长,吸收海水及大气层中的二氧化碳,降低温室效应。浮游生物死后会沉到海底,将碳元素永久锁在海底。科学家早在80年代已提出海水加铁可抗暖化这理论,尽管许多海洋科学家均质疑理论的可行性。不过英国 《星期日泰晤士报》昨引述美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的比塞尔勒博士说,实验证明「加铁抗暖化」是有可能的。

2007-09-30 20:49:29 補充:
2007-10-01 5:09 am
The expert is studying for the ocean ' applies fertilizer ' in order to oppose the warm feasibility that melts. The scientist estimates, put into the iron in the sea water, can change the chemical composition of the sea water , stimulate the planktonic organism to grow, absorb the carbon dioxide in the sea water and atmosphere, reduce the greenhouse effects. Will sink to the sea floor after the planktonic organism died , locked the carbon element in the sea floor for ever. The scientist has already as far back as the eighties proposed the sea water adds irons and resist this theory of melting warmly, though a lot of marine scientists query the feasibility of the theory . But Britain " Sunday Times " quote Hale of American Woods marine research institute rein in Dr. say filling in yesterday, the experiment proves ' adds irons and resists and melts warmly ' it is possible.
參考: Dr. EYE

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