Lab (antiacid tablet)

2007-10-01 2:43 am
TO determine the percent of the active ingredient(Aluminium hydroxide) in an antiacid tablet.

1.Explain why we dont need a volumetric flask to make 250ml-solution through experiment?

2.It is advised to add the acid very slowly into the tablet-water mixture.Suggest a reason.

3.Give a reason why the active ingredient of antiacid doesnt contain NaOH or Na2CO3

回答 (2)

2007-10-01 2:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
One tablet of antacid contains a very small amount of aluminium hydroxide.
Hence, the concentration of aluminium hydroxide becomes very low
when it is made into a 250ml solution
which may become neutralized and turned acidic when a very small amount
of acid is added
and hence it is difficult for us to measure the volume of acid used to neutralize
the solution.

It allows to obtain a more reliable result
since it is easy to turn the solution acidic when the acid is added quickly
which may overestimate the result.

Because Sodium hydroxide is a strong acid
which will corrode and damage our stomach when it reacts with
hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.
Sodium carbonate is not used because carbon dioxide produces when it
reacts with acid in our stomach
but Aluminium hydroxide does not.

2007-09-30 19:00:37 補充:
3. Sodium carbonate is also a strong acid which damages our stomach when reacts with acid.
2007-10-01 2:54 am
1. no matter how dilute it is, the number of mole of solutes (Al(OH)3) is the same.

2. The colour of indicator may change with a little acid

3. Sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate are strong alkalis that it is harmful to out intestine. It reacts vigorously and is highly exothermic.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 17:18:41
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