
2007-10-01 1:51 am
如果我想作一篇有關係雜誌社工作嘅文,應該作 d 咩

回答 (3)

2007-10-01 2:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 記述一次訪問明星的過程, 可以寫你最喜歡的偶像, 因為你對佢認識較深
(2) 記述一次訪問患了絕症的小童的感受, 可以描寫佢瘦小的外貎與堅毅意志間形成的強烈對比
(3) 可以寫一篇議論文, 寫自己身為記者是否贊成“狗仔隊”的追星行為
(4) 可以寫你收到一封讀者寄的投訴信, 是關於佢投訴某間機構的, 於是你要去分別採訪投訴者與機構負責人, 從而間接寫出一些社會現時的情況與人性的矛盾
(5) 可以寫自己是個有幾十年工作經驗的記者, 回憶起多年來令自己印象最深刻的兩件事
參考: 我的見解
2007-10-01 3:08 am
the experience that you interview with an organization
e.g. the things that you had learnt...
the experience that you interview with someone/the film~
E.g. interview with the film's director and the actors
(you get a lot of fun from there and that gave you a chance to communicate with your favourite idols)
the experience that you take a photograph with some model
the experience that you need to go to the other country and held a show

(hope can help you >.<)
參考: my composition (haha)
2007-10-01 1:56 am
參考: yes

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