
2007-10-01 12:33 am
1.Do you require energy while you are sleeping? Explain your answer.

2(a). Find out the rise in water temperature caused by one gram of food.
(i) Chocolate
(ii) Potato chips
(iii) Cake

(b) Which kind of food above contains the least amout of energy?

(c) Which kind of food would you suggest hikers to bring along? Why

回答 (1)

2007-10-01 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
哈哈我識 !!!!
1a) yes, because the heart is still beating, there are breathing movements . we still need to keep warm .
2a) (i) chocolate : 20 degree celcius / g
(ii) potato chips : 12 degree celcius / g
(iii) cake : 9 degree celcius / g
2b) cake
2c) chocolate, because it gives out more energy.
model answer 黎架 =]
因為我本 science 作業同你o個本一樣 x]

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