英文 translation

2007-10-01 12:27 am
我想將一段中文 translate 做英文:

o係街上, 我地可以見到好多情侶手拖手好甜蜜。但當冬天的時候, 他們各自帶上手套, 拖手就無咁方便, 而且肌膚不能貼著,怎能將愛意百份百傳遞?怎會溫馨?


回答 (4)

2007-10-01 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案

We can see mary sweethearts mery sweet at the street。But at winter,they each being gloves,so not

mery convenient,and skina can't cuddle(撫愛地擁抱), who(怎)can to be ready(將)loves to hand

around( 傳遞)?who to meet together(會)warm and fragrant(溫馨)


2007-09-30 17:14:49 補充:
參考: 全是自己翻譯的。
2007-10-01 6:48 am
On the street, we can see a lot of pair of loves who hold their in a sweet way. However, when winter is coming, their will draw on gloves. Drawing on gloves is inconvenient for holding. Also, they cannot be closed. Therefore, how can send love to other? How can be sweet?

2007-09-30 22:50:14 補充:
On the street, we can see a lot of pair of loves who hold lover in a sweet way. However, when winter is coming, they will draw on gloves. Drawing on gloves is inconvenient for holding. Also, they cannot be closed. Therefore, how can send love to other? How can be sweet? 之前打錯少少
參考: ME
2007-10-01 1:09 am
O of the street, and I can see a lot of good sweet dog lovers. When winter, they bring their own gloves, hands dragging on without Link convenient, but not the words skin, how can nevertheless transfer will love? How warm?
2007-10-01 12:30 am
參考: ..

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