
2007-09-30 9:44 pm
My philosophy of education is to provide for students’ needs (love, fun, recognition, freedom), to appreciate students’ learning differences, to encourage students to communicate what they would like to learn and how they would like to learn it, to involve students in establishing explicit rules and expectations, to foster the establishment of good relationships between students and teachers, and to help students learn how to evaluate their own academic performance.

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2007-09-30 10:25 pm
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教育我的哲學將提供學生的需要(愛, 樂趣, 認識, 自由), 讚賞學生的學習的區別, 鼓勵學生通信什麼他們會想學會並且怎麼他們會想學會它, 涉及學生在建立明確規則和期望, 促進好關係的創立在學生之間和老師, 並且幫助學生學會怎麼評估他們自己的學術表現。
2007-09-30 10:00 pm
我的教育理念是給學生需要的愛, 開心, 認同, 自由, 了解學生學習的不同模式, 欣賞學生.
鼓励學生告訢我他們想學什麽, 用什麽方式學, 讓學生參與建立規矩和預期效果, 培養良好的師生關係, 帮學生學習如何評核他們自己的學習表現及水平.

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