
2007-09-30 7:32 pm

回答 (2)

2007-09-30 7:58 pm
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貨幣的匯率對國家經濟有重大影響, 簡單例子: 人民幣兌港幣 來說 ( RMB100 : HK$90)
以前用HK$90 可換到 RMB 100, 在大陸買東西就平得多, 至少慳了$10 小數怕長計,
至於生意交易動不動幾百萬或以上, 條數大得多利潤就豐厚了, 現在風水輪流轉
人民幣強勢港元弱了, 我們要買貴嘢生活艱難, 很多人已少了上大陸, 因消費太貴!
而貨幣的匯率最好是由市場調節, 因應市場需要而作出調節升幅應大, 除非有抄家干預,
2007-09-30 7:51 pm
There are close relationship between exchange rate, inflation and GDP. If that country's exchange rate is increasing, that means the growth of that country is very fast. However, if the growth is too fast, then the inflation problem will arise. And then, the "國家銀行 or 央行" will increase the interest rate to control the over heat. China and USA are good example in this case. At normal, the govement will not control the market because too much control is not healthy for the growth in long run.
參考: FX is a great topic, hope this short massage can give you a rough idea.

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