
2007-09-30 10:40 am
me& my bf plan to have an engagement party~
but....i am not live in hk~
therefore .. i will back to hk for around 1.5 month~
but...we both want to take wedding photo for show on our engagement party..
so..any one have any idea that any photo store~
can give back the photo around 2 to 3 week~

Thz. a lot..........^^

回答 (3)

2007-10-01 7:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
你要睇吓間shop有冇位比你影相. 如果你有位影相, 佢地都會幫你趕曬相的.
你又可以問問, 可唔可以要你的朋友幫你落訂hold日子.
一般如你能在weekdays影相, 都會有位的.
2007-10-01 3:50 pm
如果你想係香港影, 一定要預早BOOK. 仲要睇下你要BOOK个段時間係唔係旺季.
因為最少要3日. (第一日, 婚莎同晚礼服, 第二日影相, 第三日相),
但你想係三个星期內, 拎相就有難度. 一般都要兩个月. (我影个時要半年) .
參考: me
2007-10-01 8:48 am
I think it's not easy to do. You want to take wedding photo for you engagment party, what photo for your wedding party in future??? I suggest you take steady photo for your engagment party, it's romantic and sweet. Take wedding photos are too rush. Just my idea. Sorry.
參考: me

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