
2007-09-30 8:57 am
Joe, having been referred to as the 'pretty tough' ninja, throws a hissy fit and takes it out on the waitress by yelling for an alligator steak. Terry orders a cup of coffee.
"Take a chill pill there, Mister Minami."
"Hmph. You got the kids eating out of your hand as always."
"You lack the knack with tykedom."

回答 (2)

2007-09-30 9:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
喬,指『相當堅韌』 ninja,投擲一hissy適合并且通過叫喊採取它在女服務員為鱷魚牛排。 特里點一杯咖啡。
「採取一個寒冷的藥片那裡, Minami先生。」
「Hmph。 您得到了吃在您的手外面的孩子一如既往。「
2007-10-01 6:17 pm
"採取冷丸, minami先生" 。
" hmph 。你的孩子吃你的手總是如此。 "
"你缺乏與竅門tykedom " 。

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