am i a racist?

2007-09-29 12:32 pm
i think i am a racist, however i am not due to the fact that i don't hate any races but feel somehow i m superior to them.
for example, to black people, i think generally the perform worse in school, for white, they can just speak english and raise in good environment so they behave childish sometimes, asians are also weaker than other races physicaly, but i believe, asians will take over the world soon, i believe. anyway, am i a racist? i dont hate any races though i never like them at all. i used to talk to people of my own race but i do know lots of white. when it comes down to who can realy help me, i usualy think asians can not becos i think white dont like to help (mayb sometimes) but they are just not that care about helpin me than my asian friends.
this is so true all the time, i don't know why, i tend to stick to asian more & more since i come to this country, before i came, i used to like foreign places, now i know even i go back i wont feel i like other cultures that much

回答 (11)

2007-09-29 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, just delusional. You have narcissistic personality disorder. No entire race can be superior to another because each individual has their own beliefs and motives in life.
2007-09-29 2:54 pm
Only you know if you're a racist or not. However, you do seem to have some very narrow-minded ideas about people of other races. Generally, the way that others behave toward you has more to do with the way you treat them than with the particular race of an individual. Try to let go of your stereotypical opinions and focus on individual behavior.
2007-09-29 2:49 pm
The way to prevent yourself from becoming racist is to continue to ask yourself this question and learn more about yourself. Don't act without thinking first. This is actually a pretty normal struggle so don't shut it off too quickly.
2007-09-29 1:07 pm
Racist and delusional. You definitely have a superiority complex and you certainly need do whatever it takes to save yourself.

Do, yes, do go back to foreign places. I fear that may be the only way you will learn how ridiculous you sound.

Make yourself a project. You be the specimen. Find something your friends, fellow students, or the grocery clerk do better than you.

I bet you dollars to donuts you will find there are a whole lot of better than you out there. Sorry about your luck! Live and learn!

I don't just believe, I know you will find ~you just never really were all that anyway!
2007-09-29 12:40 pm
i think that you dont have a very good attitude about others

i am british white and i believe there is good and bad in all race, culture etc

not every white person i meet is nice and the same for other cultures but i dont judge someone by the colour of their skin.

i think i am a very nice person... not perfect, but i adopted two young boys 5 years ago and have had bad times but i have never given up, i looked after an elderly, dying neighbour and received not one penny for the help but did it out of the good ness of my heart.

whichever country you go to,
wherever you live,
whatever colour your skin is,
whatever religion you believe in ...
there will be good and bad!

if you actually take time to meet people who are different to you and talk to them rather than judging first and not bothering, you might actually lead a very happy life.

you are depriving yourself of mixing with a wide variety of cultures our world offers and learning from it.

it is ignorance as far as i can work out and its this ignorance that starts fights, disputes and wars!

do not judge... you may bump into a white british person who is horrible but then you could have met someone like me and realise that not all people different to you are bad!
2007-09-29 12:40 pm
Everyone is racist to a certain extent, but white people usually are the only ones called that. Everyone feels that their race is better, because they don't know any better. Why would whites want to speak anything other than english? And not all white people are raised in a good environment. That's like saying all black people are from the ghetto. In other words, don't judge a book by it's cover.
By the way, you need to work on your ENGLISH.
2007-09-29 12:37 pm
Now if you could only improve your grammar you would be perfect. Lumping all people of one race into one category is racist. You, my friend, are a racist. Work on it.
2007-09-29 1:06 pm
Even thogh everyone is racist, Ibelieve that you love yourself, you thing that you are perfect. Narcissic is a good adjective to descirbe you. Moreover, being that you think you are superior to others, you have some kind of superiority complex because no one is superior to another.
2007-09-29 12:38 pm
You are just like the rest of us; what we don't understand we don't like. We are all human beings after all and that is the truth of the matter.
2007-09-29 12:35 pm
no your not racist. racism is the irrational hatred of other ethnicities/races. you my friend have a superiority complex, no doubt born out of right wing media.

Just try to learn about other ways of life and beliefs. its a big world live it :D

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