aperture range?

2007-09-29 12:20 pm
how come canon's ps camera doesn't have bigger aperture number (smaller hole)? it has small lens, the F number should be able to go bigger?

回答 (3)

2007-09-29 12:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
F number is defined by a relationshiop between aperture size and focal length.

Smaller hole usually appear on smaller lenses so the ratio remains constant.
2007-09-29 1:45 pm
jason you deserve a good answer so its late im tired so i will, try but better i will star your question so my onto it contacts will answer you.

point and shoots have very low ranges of apetures like F4- F8, its due to the small sensors and other things

sorry to tired to think.....the two other answers are just not enough so im sure the Dr and others will statisfy you in a few hours


2007-09-29 12:31 pm
Don't know so much about digital cameras but in regular phototography, the size of the aperture opening does not dictate the f factor. I have a camera with a lens 1" in diameter. From the face of the lens to the film is 2''. Divide the distance by the lens diameter to get the f factor. The camera described above is an f2. If the distance film to lens was 4'', it would be an f4 camera.

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