我想問選擇買lntel cpu e6550或amd cpu 5600 好?

2007-09-30 5:28 am
我想用1600元買粒cpu,不知道lntel cpu e6550或amd cpu 5600 好?唔該

回答 (3)

2007-09-30 4:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It depend on what you want.... but I suggest use Intel CPU E6550

4MB L2 Cache, 1333 FSB, 2.33 Mhz

I know AMD for 3D and game performance may be better.. but I concern about the temps bit high, and on the video encode... Intel is better than AMD...

Compare each other... I still prefer Intel...

Even I use AMD1600+... but I like Intel C2D CPU
2007-10-01 1:33 am
選擇買lntel CPU 或Amd CPU 5600 +
我選E6550, 因65W<89W; 效能也是略高

lntel cpu E6550
Intel E6550 Core2Duo 2.33GHz 4MB 1333MHz FSB <65W> HKD 1320

Amd cpu 5600+
AMD Athlon64x2 ADA5600CZBOX 2.8G 2MB <89W> HKD 1174
Intel E6550 Core2Duo 2.33GHz 4MB 1333MHz FSB <65W> HKD 1320


但如你想用$1600買CPU: 可選E6750了(只$15XX)

2007-10-04 23:16:40 補充:
Centralfield 新價 E6750 $1505Updated Date : 01/10/2007

2007-10-06 15:30:34 補充:
My Ans is better than his!
他對 &quot;我想用1600元買粒cpu&quot; 沒有回應
Moreover, 我對能源效益友數據支持!
Not just personal knowledge and feelings!!
2007-09-30 6:41 pm
梗係買 lntel cpu Core 2 Quad Q6600夠穩定,快

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