
2007-09-30 3:21 am
'搵錢享樂兩13歲少年自甘販毒' 星島日報 2007-09-06


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2007-09-30 4:56 am
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(星島日報 報道)兩名年僅十三歲、剛升讀中一學生,為賺取零用錢竟淪為毒品小拆家,警方昨派探員扮「道友」相約小拆家交易,結果在天水圍 天恆將兩少年拘捕,起出五克「K仔」毒品,共值五百元。兩「小毒販」被捕後聲稱,因家境貧窮,無錢吃喝玩樂,才鋌而走險賺快錢。

  涉案被捕兩名十三歲毒品小拆家分別姓阮及姓王,均住天水圍天逸及同在區內一小學畢業,最近升讀中一。警方查悉兩少年來自貧窮家庭,其中一人的父母俱失業,一家靠綜援 過活,另一人的父親失業,要靠母親做雜工維持生活開支。

  現場消息稱,兩少年被捕時一度向探員求情,希望放他們一馬,並稱因為家貧,無錢吃喝玩樂,為賺取零用錢鋌而走險。兩人更向探員透露,貨源是從屯門 區黑幫毒品拆家處取得,然後轉賣給他人賺錢。警方正調查兩人口供是否屬實,抑或背後另有人指使。



   警方一向關注學生毒品活動,保安局 局長李少光 ,早前在立法會 回覆議員查詢時,披露有毒販滲入學校販賣毒品,去年共有二十四名青少年學生在校內濫藥,但他認為情況並不普遍,人數只佔整體吸毒人數約百分之一。

Only two 13-year-old, just a secondary students to earn pocket money has become a small drug pushers, the police officers were yesterday play "Road" Friends of similar small distributors transactions, results Tin Heng Estate in Tin Shui Wai to the arrest of two teenagers, from the five grams of "ketamine" drug, with a total value of 500 yuan. Two "small drug dealers" were arrested after that, because his family was poor, money and recreation, only desperation to make quick money.

Two 13-year-old arrested in connection with drug pushers were small and surname Nguyen somewhere, staying Tin Yat Estate and with a primary school in the district, most recently in Secondary 1. Police found out two teenagers from poor families, one of whom both parents unemployed, a CSSA to live another person's unemployed father, the mother must do laborer for a living.

Sources at the scene said two juveniles were arrested at once plea to the officers that they put a horse, as everyone said, seeking money to earn pocket money desperation. They were said to the officers, sources from the Tuen Mun District gang drug pushers obtained and then sold to others to make money. Police are investigating whether the statements were true or otherwise people behind instruction.

Yuen Long District Special Duty Squad competent Tudingbang said Senior Inspector, the police received before the ear-line newspaper, tracing a small distributors in Tin Shui Wai trafficking, or "K" of ketamine was master drug trafficker telephone number, then sent buyers play on contact with each other, that matters, that " drawing the snake hole. "

Yesterday, the officers and drug traffickers on the phone outside 20:00 in Tin Heng Estate Hang Lok floor underground transactions, the Special Duty Squad officers immediately deployed in advance ambush near constant surveillance Lok House. Pm to 8:00 pm, an officer posing as buyers, in constant waiting outside the Lok House drug pushers emergence However, soon after, two teenagers, one of whom still wear uniforms campaign jumpsuit, with whom officers come transaction, ambushing officers at the scene see the time is ripe, beating, two arrested the seizure of a packet weighing a total of five grams of "ketamine" drug.

Police had been concerned about student drug activities, Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee, in the Legislative Council earlier reply when asked about the disclosure of drug traffickers have infiltrated the school drug trafficking, last year a total of 24 young students in the school drug abusers, but he think the situation is not common, the overall number of drug users account for only about 1% .

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 16:05:44
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