Form 3 Physics (急用) 詳細一D~~~~~快.

2007-09-29 11:48 pm
1 Why the ice point is the temperature of melting ice at normal atmospheric pressure? If the atmosphere is abnormal, what happen?

2 What means 'absolute zero' Why it is not 0 but -273 degree Celsius?

3 What is the 原理 of the resistance thermometer? Why the resistance of a metal wire increases with temperature?
According to 熱漲冷縮, heat makes metal expand. So temperature increases, metal expands and the metal wire becomes thick, so the resistance is lesser?

please explain the reasons~~

回答 (1)

2007-09-30 10:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. An increase of pressure will decrease the melting point of ice and vice versa.
2. The term "absolute" zero is derived from the kinetic theory of gases. At this temperature, all molecules of the gas stop their random motions and thus possess no kinetic energy. As a result, the gas occupies no volume and exerts no pressure.
Absolute zero is abbriviated as 0 K. (thus 0 deg.C = 273 K)
3. A resistance thermometer measures temperature by making reference to the resistance of the probe, which increases with the increase of temperature.
When temperature increases, distances between atoms in a piece of metal increase and hence the metal piece is observed to expand. But at the same time, atoms are vibrating more vigorously than at lower temperature. This vigorous vibration of atoms at high temperature will cause more collisions of the atoms with free conducting electrons, thus makes electrons more difficult to flow through the metal. This brings to the observed effect of resistance increase.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:25:12
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