
2007-09-29 9:11 pm

回答 (14)

2007-10-08 9:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
可以捉Lobster,唔會好似mining,成日都比高Lv過你嘅人mine曬D coal。而且可以賣到120gp(少量)~250gp(大量) ea!不過要好多時間,而且fishing要60+。捉swordfish可以賣280gp ea,同樣要好高lv.
***Free to play(F2P)去Kamamja捉會有好多ramdom events***
自己裝備(Steel~rune先會有人買)再賣出去(可以去Dwarf Mine,因為有好多種ores)
整完裝備要賣係專門店/to player~而唔係general store~因為專門店/player賣會獲得更多錢
***full armour會多d錢***
如果唔想smithing,就可以mine coal~1個賣出去值150gp(大量賣),或者500個賣50~60k~如果賣少D就應該賣80~120gp ea

打Hill giant(Level 28)-->賣big bones[100gp-250gp ea]

1.Make str pot-Find red spider eggs and limpwurt roots to make a lot of str pot by going to apothecary and give the scientist 5 gp ea pot then sell them to other players for 500gp~1k
***Remember to go to World 1 or World 4,more people in these two worlds want to buy***
2.Go to Secruity Stronghold Level 1(First level) and you can find Minotaurs(Level 12).Kill them and you can collect the iron arrows.Then sell to other players in World1/World 4.
Collect 1000 and you can get 10k each time if you sell them as 10 ea
***Most people who want to buy will stay at Varrock's Archery Shop(箭舖)***
***Go and kill at noon/in the afternoon(2 p.m-4:30p.m)will have fewer people***
參考: Winly0 (me)
2007-10-09 12:47 am
Because you are lazy
2007-10-08 4:01 am
1k is very easy to earn, just a few jewellery necklaces can already make you 1k+. Mining is a very good way to earn money, by selling 500 mith bars 1.3k - 1.4k each, i can earn 600k+. If you're mining level is not high enough, train your mining lvl to mine iron, and sell it a few hundred ea and you can also earn money easily. Woodcutting is not a bad idea too, you can sell logs to shop, then when you're woodcutting lvl reach to the lvl that you can cut oak, keep them in your're bank then when you think is enough, go to world 1,3 or 4 to sell them. Or you can also fish, train your fishing lvl to 50 so that you can fish swordfish's and lobsters and sell them.

This is all i know, hope it can help you, If not, sorry then.
2007-10-06 9:55 pm
1k is not much...

earn money ways:

1:buy and sell
buy 1 thing cheaper and sell that thing more expensive

mine ores and sell it/make it into metal

3:cft and mage:
make amulets and use mage to enchant

4:only cft
make jewels

catch fish and sell(better sell lobs in f2p,sharks in p2p)

sell fire in Karamja
2007-10-06 7:03 am
get ur smithing up to 50+ and mining up to 60+. then start mining coal and mithril ores in the miming guild where is in falador. then u can earn like 24k+ each me la!!!

2007-10-05 23:04:54 補充:
sell them in 1.5k each in falador west bank ok?
參考: my experience
2007-10-03 9:34 pm
2007-10-01 11:26 pm
1k is not very much you should train special skull like mining , woodcutting ,rune crafting then you earn as many money you may buy and sell .
參考: chanwingsum2 (level 76)
2007-10-01 5:44 am
Dont listen to them, yew arent 400 each.

I earned 100m+ in 3 months,

But i did it when i was member,

i buy dragon hally 200k-250k and sell 300 each,so i can get at least 50k from each hally.

To get rich, what i did is just BUY&SELL , buy at low price,sell at high price.

Try to buy some stuff cheap, just watch out scams, and sell

2007-10-08 01:42:06 補充:
I got a fast way, kill chicken and get feathers,you can sell feathers for 10gp ea,get 100 feather and sell for 1k (note:chicken can drop 15 feather at once!)
參考: Matthew Ho -level 116
2007-09-30 9:29 pm
You can get WAY MORE then 1K each time...get your WoodCutting up to 60+ and then cut yews, get up to 400 Ea if you sell at Varrock Bank! 1K Yews=400K !!!Add noname00001 for more ways to get money!
2007-09-30 8:46 pm
參考: me
2007-09-29 9:21 pm
no no
參考: me

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