Zac Efron同Vanessa Anne Hudgens !!!

2007-09-29 8:57 pm
1.Zac Efron同Vanessa Anne Hudgens 係咪拍拖?係真定假?
2.Zac Efron係Ashley Tisdale ge 前男友?
4.如果Zac Efron同Vanessa Anne Hudgens 係拍緊拖ge話,
5.仲有,Zac Efron同Ashley Tisdale 點解分手?
Thank you!!!

回答 (3)

2007-09-30 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Zac Efron同Vanessa Anne Hudgens 係咪拍拖?係真定假: of course is true i got a friend, she's is vanessa's friend, she'd said Vanessa are going out with Zac, true fact!!
2.Zac Efron係Ashley Tisdale ge 前男友:no, but people saying they are going out, but they are not, Zac says Ashley is just best friend!!
3.承上題,佢地幾時「開始」拍拖: if they are not going out, how come they can go out?
4.如果Zac Efron同Vanessa Anne Hudgens 係拍緊拖ge話,
佢地依家係咪仲喺一齊:yes, because i got a picture they are holding hands together!!
5.仲有,Zac Efron同Ashley Tisdale 點解分手: they didn't split up, i said they are just best friends!!
參考: Top of the pops- mags
2007-10-05 1:36 am
Zac=Zac Efron
Vanessa=Vanessa Anne Hudgens
Ashley=Ashley Tisdale ge
1 Zac同Vanessa係拍緊拖,,,真的!!
2 Zac同Ashley只係best friend,,,無拍過拖!!!
3 承上題Zac同Ashley無拍過拖!!
4 Zac同Vanessa仲喺一齊!!

5 Zac同Ashley只係best friend,,,無拍過拖,,,所以無分過手

2007-10-04 2:45 am
1. Zac & Vanessa 係拍緊拖...
2. Zac 唔係 Ashley ge 前男友... 佢地 2個冇拍過拖
3. 佢地冇 le~
4. Zac & Vanessa 重有拍拖... 佢地成日一齊出街
5. 都話 Zac 同 Ashley 冇拍過拖
參考: ME

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