Please change these words into Chinese~ ( 10 Marks~)

2007-09-29 8:23 pm
Please change words in to Chinese~
Who is the first one and is correct will be the Great answer ~
The words~

Wie ein Tummelplatz für Kleinkinder mutet das Ambiente in diesem überaus schleierhaften Suchspiel an, wie üblich entdeckst du verschlossene Türen und Safes und überall stöberst du Bärchenbilder und ähnliche Symbole auf ? doch was sollst du damit anfangen?

Plx answer first ~ 10 Marks~

I don't know what knid of words is it wo~


Can all answer cange into English ,ok? And I don't like type Chinese ,ok? *

回答 (2)

2007-09-29 8:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This seems like German, but can only go to English, still don't make much sense, but seems to be about Children product safety. Hope the below helps:

How does a Tummelplatz for infants seem the Ambiente in this extremely veilful search play, as usual discovers you locked doors and safes and everywhere stoeberst you to Baerchenbilder and similar symbols up? but which you are to begin thereby?
參考: online translator
2007-09-29 8:32 pm

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