可唔可以教我幾句英文短句, 要甜蜜,同令到女朋友開心既? :P

2007-09-29 11:17 am
我想訂一部ipod nano送俾女朋友做生日禮物 ,係背面可以刻字。
我唔想簡簡單單咁:"xxx Love U Forever"之類
我想要一些短句...咩都得,只有表達到愛意~ ^^
有無人可以教下我 :]

回答 (4)

2007-09-29 9:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
因為 ipod 只限兩行及字數的限制, 所以盡量寫成有點押韻而又表達到你對女朋友的愛意:

For u is an ipod to save song
My heart to you will go on


The days we are together,
like the ipod plays forever
2007-09-29 6:37 pm
to my beloved,
i wanna be this ipod and be with you in the rest of life.


my dearest,
songs in this ipod are changing,
when my love will never change.
2007-09-29 5:10 pm
You are my moon and i am the stars beside you....^^
2007-09-29 11:25 am
Listen to my heart.

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