✔ 最佳答案
U708 係香港行貨 ( with Hong Kong Samsung )保養
U700 係水貨 ( 商舖保養-- parts will charge)
係有分別, U700 -- if come from Singapore,korea,china (with Chinese) , if from another country, (will change the software to Chinese to sell in Hong kong)-- easy **hang**, some 3G funtions can not setting,
U708 香港行貨, for Hongkong, setting for HK , have all 3G funtions -- can setting all telecom : new world, people, Pccw, 3 , .... ,(with T-chinese, S-Chinese)-no change in software
我想應該是給商舖騙了, go to the shop la , ask them to 給 U708 la