before, after 之後個verb 係同咩tense?

2007-09-29 8:10 am
a). I couldn't recognize the person before I saw the picture.
saw 洗唔洗轉返做see?

b). I can go with you after you went to washroom.
went 洗唔洗轉返做go?

回答 (2)

2007-09-29 11:10 pm
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Before 的意思是之前 , 是用現在式或過去式, 視乎你的句子是怎樣寫, 才決定是用現在或過去. 依你的例子, 該是正確的


After 的意思是之後 , 所以要用現在完成式或過去完成式 , 要視乎你的句子怎樣寫, 才決定是用現在或過去, 所以不該是 went , 應是 have gone.

以下是一些 after 的例子:

1) After you have finished your homework, you can watch TV.
你做完功課之後 , 你可以看電視了

2) After her son has gone to bed, she turns off the lights.
在她的兒子上床後 , 她關了燈

3) After she had tidied up the room, she went out.
她整理好房間後 , 她出去了

4) The dog barked after it had heard a strange sound.
2007-09-29 5:31 pm
a) I couldn't recognize the person before I saw the picture
it is correct because before is pass tense. so "see" would be pass tense too

b) It should be go. becuase after is in the future so you would have to change went to go.

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