should China invade the West?

2007-09-28 12:42 pm
here i mean People's Republic of China invades the west includes the whole of europe, americas, australia, and even russia if u include. if u exclude america, russia is not that strong compared to china nowadays if china keep improving its airforce, china could have invade russia if china can capture the railroad. australia is crap, even the indonesians can invade them straight away no need for china. for europe, it's just the uk and france and it's easy to beat france on a land war once china defeated russia. only uk is a bit trouble because of the navy and airforce but china can deal with it because china got numbers of planes and submarines. the us is hard to invade unless chinese cross from alaska and mass number of submarines invade them. chinese airforce will be shut down by the US and most of the navy. i bet china will be able to invade the west soon if military and also economy keep improving. the only thing can now stop china is just the US.

回答 (15)

2007-09-30 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
research b.r.i.c.k
brazil, russia, india, iran, china, kazakistan

china is to start to use military force. they are to busy getting rid of the US dollar and investing in foreign countries
2007-09-28 2:13 pm
Let me answer your question with another one...

How long have you been doing chrystal meth?

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Follow these easy tips, and people may have a chance of understanding WTF you are talking about!

Did you actually HAVE a question here?
2007-09-28 1:23 pm
If I remember correctly 19 young men invaded your country and blew up the WTC so you can't be that impenetrable.
Also the Chinese would probably already be there by time you decided join the in.
2007-09-28 2:41 pm
no they would not for several reasons A) we have nukes
B) almost every American would go ballistic and cap the first enemy they could see apart from hippies and physically handicapped people C) we have better technology than they do china would not stand a chance
2007-09-28 1:45 pm
The Chinese have difficulty holding on to Tibet , let alone conquering the West.

China is not a colonial nation: but they will increase their military and economic clout to a point where people will have to listen to them.
2007-09-28 3:15 pm
China shot down a satellite in orbit, that sent a message to the US, The US Shock and Awe tactics were directed off of US military Satellites and China has the Capability of shooting them down, The US needs to develop plan B. Also remember that China as a 10th rate military power fought the US and UN to a stand Still in Korea..
While the US is making enemies out of Mexico and South America, China is wooing them and is almost currently operating the Panama Channel. It is possible that South American Nations will allow Chinese troops into their country ,to offset the American Threat.
2014-06-30 1:37 pm
China would fail after the first attack. It would most likely attack their biggest rival, Japan. After this an outraged Japan would call upon the US and the rest of NATO to help. Which most would help especially America because of it's extremely close ties with Japan. All america has to do is destroy their 1 aircraft carrier with it's 12 carrier fleet, cripple the rest of China's navy blockade the Chinese coast, keep striking port cities to reduce land resistance, make landings in port cities, continue pressing inland on a land war treating civilians correctly to win the hearts of the Chinese public, until they reach Beijing. Of course air strikes and special missions would be conducted. Many nations would fight alongside the US but the US would have a majority of the fighting force. After Beijing falls the rest is a piece of cake. In the process North Korea would attempt something idiotic and get itself wiped off the face of the Earth so China would lose it's only true ally.
2007-09-28 3:39 pm
What was that the chinese did to u made u feel they ll attack europe?
2007-09-28 3:38 pm
China has depleted most of it's resources,poisoned it's crop lands and water supplies badly.
The easiest targets lay to the west of China,parts of the old Soviet Union.Shorter supply routes and weaker opponents .
Southeast Asia would be more profitable but a harder nut to crack.
Whatever direction is chosen,China would be subjected to horrible damage and loss of infrastructure.
Frankly ,China could cease to exist except as small independent nations.
2007-09-28 1:07 pm
I think they already have with their booming economy and large population. Only stupid people like the US use military might to defeat themselves as we did in Iraq.

Would China invade Taiwan?

Since the reelection of President Chen Shui-bian in Taiwan last March, it has been difficult for Chinese planners to argue convincingly that the island can be peacefully reunified with the mainland anytime soon.

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