my computer can't go any cani repair it?

2007-09-29 7:10 am

this link show what happen in my computer,
plz help me...

回答 (2)

2007-09-29 7:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
似個yahoo tool bar 有問題而令你其他軟件都唔能夠正常運作
先試去uninstall 你個yahoo tool bar 先, 如果冇問題
就去download 返個 most update 既落黎用
2007-09-29 7:27 am
1. May be the Software problem, try to un install it and re-install again, if the problem still not fix, may be the Windows problem.

2. If there has Windows problem, there is no other way to slove it, you must reinstall Windows, if you are missing the original CD (The recover CD), try to go the Computer Shop that was you buying the computer (e.g. Dell, Nec or IBM etc...), asking them you give you an other copy.....

3. If they are not willing to give you an other copy, you need to take you computer to some of the computer shop and asking them to repair it......

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