買 maybelline luminfit/ KATE / Clinique two-way cake 好?

2007-09-29 6:29 am
而家用緊ZA防曬+smashbox foundation+smashbox backdrop

回答 (2)

2007-09-29 7:53 am
Clinique two-way cake
2007-09-29 6:38 am
Depends on if you have lots of "dark spot" that need to cover. Personally, I think out of these 3 2-way cake, Clinique has the best coverage. Luminfit is kinda transparent, giving people a very natural but glossy look.

If your face produce oil very often, my suggestion to you is to ensure you put on the hydration make-up base before you put on another make up. I recommand Clinique's Moisture Surge Extra. This is a hydration cream and also can be used as the make-up base.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:11
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