
2007-09-29 5:44 am
This is a very good interview. I suggest you read more English books, newspapers or magazines to help familiarise yourself with written English. Your spelling and structure are good, but you need to watch the form of the words. Try learning phrases, rather than just words, and pay attention to the word order in texts written by native speakers. I hope that my corrections and tips are useful to you and I look forward to seeing your next writing.

回答 (5)

2007-09-29 5:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是一次非常好的面談。 我建議你看更多的英語書、報紙或者雜誌幫助使你自己熟悉書面的英語。 你的拼字和結構很好,但是你需要看字的形式。 嘗試學問片語,而非正直的字,而且注意被說母語者寫的本文的字次序。 我希望我的訂正和頂端是有用的對你和我盼望見到你的下個寫作。
2007-09-29 6:53 am
This is a very good interview. I suggest you read more English books, newspapers or magazines to help familiarise yourself with written English. Your spelling and structure are good, but you need to watch the form of the words. Try learning phrases, rather than just words, and pay attention to the word order in texts written by native speakers. I hope that my corrections and tips are useful to you and I look forward to seeing your next writing.

這是一次非常好的採訪。我建議您讀多些英文書、報紙或雜誌去幫助自己來熟悉寫作式英語。您的拼字串寫和句子結構是好的, 但您需要留意詞的形式。設法學會詞組, 而不是單單用詞, 和留心以英文為母語的人所寫文章內容的詞序。我希望, 我提示的修正和提點是對您有用,並且我盼望看您的下篇大作。

my suggestion to all readers:-

2007-09-28 22:55:17 補充:

2007-10-04 14:32:24 補充:
wrong translation
參考: common sense only
2007-09-29 6:39 am
這是一個非常好的面試, 我建議你多閱讀英文書, 報紙, 或雜誌, 以幫助你提升英語寫作技巧, 你在串字和英文句子結構方面皆不俗, 但你要留意生字的種類, 嘗試學習片語, 更甚於生字, 注意說地道英語的人在書寫英語方面文字的編排, 我希望我的批改和提示對你會有用, 我期待你下一篇的文章.
2007-09-29 5:49 am
這是一次非常好採訪。我建議您讀更加英國的書、報紙或雜誌幫助使自己熟悉書面英語。您的拼寫和結構是好的, 但您需要觀看詞的形式。設法學會詞組, 而不是正義詞, 和對詞序的薪水注意在文本裡由說母語的人寫。我希望, 我的更正和要訣是有用對您並且我盼望看您的下文字。

This is a very good interview. I suggest you read more English books, newspapers or magazines to help familiarise yourself with written English. Your spelling and structure are good, but you need to watch the form of the words. Try learning phrases, rather than just words, and pay attention to the word order in texts written by native speakers. I hope that my corrections and tips are useful to you and I look forward to seeing your next writing.
2007-09-29 5:49 am
这是一次非常好的采访。 我建议你读更加英国的书、报纸或者杂志帮助使自己熟悉书面英语。 你的拼写和结构是好,但是你需要观看词的形式。 设法学会词组,而不是词,并且注意词序在说母语的人写的文本。 我希望我的更正和技巧对你是有用,并且我盼望看你的下文字。

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