英文求職信點寫 ? 及face-to-face self-introduce 的稿 !!!

2007-09-29 2:44 am
英文求職信點寫 ? 及face-to-face self-introduce 的稿 !!!

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案


1. 求職者的地址

2. 日期

3. 應按照下列次序列出

a) 負責職員姓名

b) 職員的職銜

c) 申請機構名稱

d) 機構的地址

4. 稱謂

盡量致函負責職員,如Mr. Lee

5. 標題


6. 首段



7. 內容列出學歷及經驗,說明你是有關職位的最佳人選

8. 末段


9. 結束敬語

如致函負責職員,使用敬語‘Yours sincerely’,否則一般使用‘Yours faithfully’


10. 附件


-------------------- -------------------- -SAMPLE ( ENGLISH )------------------- -------------------

XX Smith

6/F, Flat B, Sunshine Garden

Kowloon, Hong Kong

1 June 2005

ABX Limited

PO Box 222

Hong Kong

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Human Resources Position

In response to the advertisement appeared on Success Morning Post, I would like to apply for the captioned position. As a dedicated human resources executive, possessing sound problem-solving ability and excellent communication skills, I am confident that my experience can contribute to the growth of your company. My strengths also include:

•Administering periodic payroll and benefits matters

•Experience in training staff in the Benefits Section of the

Human Resources department

•Sound knowledge in Hong Kong labour regulations.

•Directly relevant experience in coordinating the planning and delivering

training programs, and liaising with external training professionals.

The enclosed resume will give you additional information on my background and experience. It will be appreciated if I can be granted an interview to further discuss the captioned opportunity in greater details. I can be reached at 22223333 or 33332222.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

XX Smith


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