去恆生對換外幣旅行用, 底唔底?

2007-09-28 10:19 pm
而銀行, 一d大行, 對換, 有一點信心,
但有咁人咁做 ?
如果去上環的百年. 坐車都坐左我幾十元才到.
請大家比比意見, 謝.

回答 (5)

2007-09-29 12:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 到銀行兌換外幣, 如果你在那bank 有户口, 是不收手贖費,
但最好先預訂, 因未必有貨。

2. 不一定到恆生、可到中銀或滙豐。

參考: self
2007-09-30 8:41 pm
Every bank has different rate. You must walk-in or by phone to ask first. If you chose the bank, then ask them when the money can be prepared for you to collect.

Years ago, I have change HKD30000 to USD. And found that communciation bank has the best rate and lower handling charge. But you need some friends go with you because you need to take CASH to bank.
2007-09-29 3:19 am
1. 兌換外幣基本上 是不收手贖費,但要先預訂, 因未必有貨。

2. 可到其他銀行如中国銀行或滙豐 HK bank。
參考: 自己
2007-09-28 10:28 pm
如果你想兌外幣旅行用, 我比個建議你, 你可以去到當地機場的找換店兌, 因為根據經驗, 這樣兌法最化算
2007-09-28 10:27 pm
超過3千港紙, 就唔使手續費.
參考: 我上星期去恆生換左3千蚊港紙

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