
2007-09-28 9:00 pm

Thursday, September 27, 2007






回答 (1)

2007-09-29 12:17 am
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Myanmar military government's crackdown on demonstrators, killing five people
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Burma's military government yesterday Yangon send military police to suppress the street demonstrators, at least five people were killed. This is the last month monks and other anti-government demonstrators who took to the streets, the most serious acts of violence.
According to the Myanmar dissidents in exile group said that about 300 monks and anti-government government to ignore the ban, still street demonstrations, was arrested. A reporter witnessed a group of monks on the towed vehicle.

The incident prompted the French repression in the United Nations Security Council meeting held this morning.

In 1988, Myanmar massive wave of protests, was the military repression, 3,000 people were shot dead. Although outsiders worry this tragedy will repeat itself, but eyewitnesses estimated that about 100,000 people still in Yangon street demonstrations, which the general public far more than the number of monks.

The procession of uniformed roar howled. One witness said the demonstrators along the procession, civilians formed a human chain, Wai monks in the central queue, to protect them.
參考: Google and transalation.coms and myself

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