
2007-09-28 8:09 pm

回答 (3)

2007-10-02 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果我欠債,全都沒有用擔保人,如果我有咩事離世,屋企人有無需要為我還債?? ???

~~如果你無遺產要你家人來承受的話計, 你家人系無須代你還債的,但若有人承受你的遺產的話,佢自然將你所有債務都全部承受.(當然所有債務都只系你一個人來講),因為放債給你的是在做生意,自然須要承担一定風險啦!


2007-10-02 14:15:14 補充:
2007-09-30 7:44 am
First of all.Please excuse me I am unable to type in Chinese,hopefully someone who have great english level will assist you to understand this message.

Base on your describe and from what I understand.If you have any debt,but you don't have any co-signer with you.You family members or anyone else,they do not have to help you to pay back the amount of your debt you owe.Only the debt you owe is from the bank.But if you do have any other debt is not relate to the bank or any major credit cards company,than you would have to much more careful.If you pass away,the creditor(s) do have the right to ask certificate of death to prove you pass away.If they can prove it,the creditor(s) will wipe off the debt,because most of the time they are only going after the primary account holder,if they do have any unpaid debt.But if the loan application is more than one person at the same time they approved it,than the creditors can go after the second person who is in the same account with you.

In my conclusion I would suggest you to contract your credito(s) regrading your concern.Because different creditor(s) have their won policies in this specific case.
Hope this information can help you.
2007-09-28 8:13 pm
參考: newspaper

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