Presentation (用英文) about Dell [20]

2007-09-28 8:01 pm
at least 2 分鍾


回答 (2)

2007-09-28 9:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good evening everyone. Today, I'm going to present the company information about Dell company. Dell is a world's leading computer systems company. They design, build, and customize products and services to satisfy a range of customer requirements. From the server, storage and professional services needs of the largest global corporations, to those of consumers at home. They do business directly with customers, one at a time, and believe they do it better than anyone on the planet. Dell has its manufacturing facilities and sales offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia and South America. Thank you and that's the end of my presentation.

Inside the Powerpoint:
1st Page: DELL (Company name & logo & products' photos)

2nd Page:
Subject: About DELL
- a world's leading computer systems company
- design, build, and customize products & services to satisfy a range of customer requirements
- server, storage and professional services needs of the largest global corporations, to those of consumers at home
- do business directly with customers
- its manufacturing facilities & sales offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia and South America

3rd Page:
The End & Thank You
2007-09-28 8:10 pm
1. 更係去dell網站睇下佢d資料啦
2. 搜集完資料, 就寫一份講稿
3. 然後跟住份講稿做採排

記住讀果陣唔好機械人咁, 好似平時傾偈咁就最好

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