
2007-09-28 7:43 pm
紙塑膠; uv膠; 磨光油; 裱咭膠; 糊盒膠; 啫喱膠; 書籍膠; 不干膠; 再濕膠; 便條膠; 白膠漿

麻煩幫我翻譯成英文可以嗎??? thx!!

回答 (2)

2007-10-01 9:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
紙塑膠=Paper revertex;
uv膠=Uv rubber;
磨光油=Buffing oil
裱咭膠=Mounts the card rubber
糊盒膠=Sticks the box rubber
啫喱膠=grain rubber
書籍膠;=Books rubber
不干膠=Does not do the rubber
再濕膠;=Again wet rubber
便條膠=Informal memo rubber
白膠漿=White glue
2007-09-28 10:16 pm
Paper revertex;
uv rubber;
Buffing oil;
Mounts the card rubber;
Sticks the box rubber;
啫 grain rubber;
Books rubber;
Not dry glue;
Again wet rubber;
Informal memo rubber;
White glue

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:39:18
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