請問陳奕迅是否有首歌的音樂是Canon in D

2007-09-28 6:37 pm
請問陳奕迅是否有首歌的音樂是Canon in D

回答 (2)

2007-09-28 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好似係 Crying in the party, 唔係Carying in the party

2007-09-28 10:49:42 補充:
找到胡清藍『兩個世界』o既間奏就係用左Canon in D

2007-09-28 10:51:55 補充:
If you want to know more information about Canon in D, you can go to the following linkhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachelbel's_Canon
2007-09-28 6:42 pm
Carying in The Party

冇歌叫Canon in D
參考: Myself

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