How much your salary?

2007-09-28 4:20 pm
If you do the job one year later, your salary added how much?
I do my job one year, only add one hundred dollars per month.
Now, i should go to much far place to work, my transport fee is more pay,
and much thing was add price,
I feel live is so difficult.
Why my live is so poor!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (3)

2007-09-28 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Increament from employer point of view is a tool to keep the best staff in the company.
The rate is around 3% to 10% depend on how the employer evaluate their staff.
If you think you're underpaid and you can find the same job with higher salary in somewhere. I think you can try your luck in another company.
May be you will find a better employer.
Don't worry, it's not yr fault. Keep going !!!
[email protected]
2007-09-29 3:45 am
我之前份工做了兩年半, 都無加我人工, 一年話我人工高, 一年話我剛轉部門, 無得加.....

之後, 我找工轉, 現在的工作, 比之前的工作, 人工高了16%.

只要你覺得自己在市場還有價值, 那就乾脆轉工吧! 如果你覺得沒有, 那就要努力為自己增值了.
2007-09-28 6:34 pm
If you cannot afford your life for the salary. I suggest you better quit the job. Good Luck !

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