Canon ? Sony ? Panasonic ? 想買新相機,但唔知邊部好

2007-09-28 8:41 am
1.Canon IXUS 850is or IXUS 950is or IXUS 75
2.SonyT70 OR T200
3. Panasonic FX-100 OR DC FX 70
揀左好多都唔知應該揀邊部~ 我通常都係用黎影人同景最多, 間唔中影下snap shot
所以我比較想揀部係防震好d,同d相影出黎唔使點tune colour都ok 的~
* 揀850is:有廣角,防震+個個都話Canon 係DC一哥~
* 揀IXUS 75:"厚度僅有 19.6mm,收藏非常方便,作為一部隨身的 SnapShot 相機便最適合不過"同mon夠大
* 揀T70&T200 :鐘意佢個Smile shutter,有防震,mon 大,sony機既外形不嬲都幾靚 ,同埋聽人講SONY既相影出黎會比較柔和,人既面色幾好~ 我唔知我有無記錯,可能唔係Sony,但第二個brand~
* 揀FX-100 / FX 70 :只因為上網睇過都有幾多網有讚Fx 100 / FX 70,但自已就真係唔知
更新1: 睇呢個site即刻唔知仲揀唔揀canon 好

回答 (1)

2007-10-03 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have once tried the Panasonics (older models) and I am not impressed by their picture quality and user interface. Leica lenses, so what?

I have little experience with the most current Sony models. Its use of Zeiss lenses may mean slightly improved image quality, but still, I would not recommend the T200 and 70. Their use of big touchscreens means user interface is going to be clumsy since many of the functions are to be accessible only in hidden menus. Also, their use of MS Duo cards means you have to pay more for such cards (esp. compared to the more popular SD/SDHC cards).

That goes down to Canon. I personally find the user interfaces of its compact camers not very user-friendly (albeit being very organised). But that’s just my personal opinion, especially since I have little experience with these Canons. I believe that once you get used to the interface, camera operation will be a breeze. Picture quality should be quite good, but you will need to tweak the settings to get the best results. Also, chromatic aberration (ie. purple fringing) is pretty common on the Canons, so beware.

I personally would choose the newer IXUS 960is (the older 950 does NOT have stabilised optics). It has 12MP, a slightly larger sensor (for slightly better picture quality), 3-inch screen, stabilised optics, SD/SDHC card compatibility, and all other goodies you can find in most of other Canon’s compact models. I think this is the model that will give you the LEAST regret.

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