
2007-09-28 8:32 am

回答 (2)

2007-09-28 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
好好, 但好似幾難入ga wow.

佢哋著重小朋友的多元化思維同訓練. 每班都有正副班主任對大約30-37個學生.
上堂主要用英文授課, 小朋友更要學習多一項語言, 例如: 廣東話, 日文, 國語, 法文等
學校有泳池, 許多不同的課外活動, 如: 芭蕾舞, 不同的樂器, 唱歌班, 運動

Basic Information
Address: No. 6, Hoi Ting Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon (Location Map)
Tel: 2367 3318
Fax: 2314 1873
E-mail: pcs-mail@hkedcity.net
2007-09-28 5:47 pm
It's kind of English school,
and it's helps your choldren if you wanna your children to be in an EMI school...
I've been there before`
the facilities are very good~
swimming pool and a big campus...
go there la`

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