
2007-09-28 7:17 am
定係只係行過教堂,搞個wedding party就算架喇

回答 (3)

2007-09-30 5:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I t really depends on the Bride and Groom:
Here are the following:
They will gather in a church or a place to have their wedding,
further on, they will gather in a place(garden, park) to take pictures,
thus, have dinner
then the dance at last..

They also have a box that when ppl come to their wedding, they can put money in an envelope and out it into the box, the box is called "Treasure box" depends on what you call it,,,,


P.S. I am helping a couple who is going to get marry,,,,,
參考: Myself
2007-09-28 9:20 pm
當然不會啦, 中方始終同西式唔同的。

佢地會自己做D有心思的禮物送比佢地, 咁樣先表達賓客真心祝賀一對新人 。區

所以會場上, 你地會見到有個aREA放哂所有禮物 。

2007-09-28 7:22 am
無, 西人好興 AA 製添, 唔似我地, 乜野都男方比哂錢.
但佢地個party 食野果d係由主角付錢, 唔會好似我們咁, 咁屎懀, 要收入場費(做禮金人情).

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