
2007-09-28 6:25 am


回答 (2)

2007-09-29 4:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
A. 動詞方面有兩種:連綴動詞及動作動詞。很明顯動作動詞就是表示主詞「在做甚麼」。致於連綴動詞就是表示主詞「是甚麼」。Have 作動作動詞時,是「擁有」的意思,並沒有中文「有」的另一個「存在」的意思。要有「存在」意思,該用 'be'。
e.g. There is a dog. <-- A dog is over there.

B. Have 作輔助動詞時是沒有字意。動詞的時式 (tense) 告訴我們事情何時發生。have 在主要動詞前作完成式,而主要動詞變作過去分詞時,那就是作完成式。
完成式(現在/過去):(has/have/had) + verb (past participle過去分詞)
e.g. I have/had swum.

Present Perfect --
1. 結束/結果(剛剛)
e.g. I have become a teacher.
比較: I became a teacher 3 years ago.
在三年前成為一位老師。成為老師這個轉變在三年前發生,所以用 simple past。
e.g. I have finished my homework already.
比較: I finished my homework hours ago.

2. 完結但影嚮至今的動作;繼續
e.g. I have lived here for 5 years.
e.g. I have come to this school since Form 1.

3. 經驗
(hints:會出沒有明確時間的副詞出現。如:often, before, never, since ...)
e.g. I have never been to a cinema before.

Past Perfect -- 簡單而言,在過去(必須與現在已無關聯)有兩個動作發生了,你猜怎樣分別哪個動作先作?對了。past perfect 表示動作比 simple past 先做。即如果句子只有一個動詞,用 simple past 已可以了!
(hints:會出現 already, recently, just ...)
e.g. Mary said that she had already finished her work.
當然是做好功課先 Mary 才說話。

C. 還有一種叫情態動詞: must, can, may ...
*** be, do, have* 本身亦可作有字意的主要動詞,可要留意啊!
I was young. / I am talking to John.
I do the dishes. / I do not do the dishes.
I [have] (擁有) a dog. / I [have to] (必須) go now.
2007-09-28 6:29 am
have 標示解釋
DJ: [
v.aux. 1. (加過去分詞,構成完成時態)已經;曾經 They haven't finished the job yet. 他們尚未完成該項工作。 2. (用於假設語氣,表示與過去事實相反的假設)(假如那時)...的話 She might have come if she hadn't been so busy. 當時若不是那麼忙,她是可能來的。 vt. 1. 有,擁有[W] This coat has no pockets. 這件衣服沒有口袋。 2. 懷有,持有[W] Many people have doubts about the new project. 許多人對這項新工程有懷疑。 3. 體驗;經驗;患[W] We had a wonderful time on the beach. 我們在海灘上玩得好極了。 4. 拿;得到,取得[W] We gave him a present, but he wouldn't have it. 我們給他一件禮物,但他不肯接受。 5. 進行,從事(某事) The manager is having a meeting. 經理正在開會。 6. 吃;喝;吸(煙) They had their lunch in a cafeteria. 他們在一家自助餐廳吃了午飯。 Have a cup of coffee, please. 請喝杯咖啡。 7. 邀請(某人),招待[O] We had some guests for dinner last night. 我們昨晚請了幾位客人吃飯。 8. (用於否定句中)容忍;允許[O4] I won't have anyone smoking in here. 我不容許任何人在這裡抽煙。 9. 生得,生育 My wife is going to have a baby. 我妻子快要生孩子了。 10. 使,讓;招致[O7][O8] Pa's had his hands burned. 爸的手給燙傷了。 I've had the stove lighted. 我已經讓人把爐子點著了。 11. 要;叫;使[O3][O4] I'll be proud to have you read it. 你肯讀它我會感到驕傲的。 12. 必須,不得不[+to-v] I have to go right now. 我馬上得走。 13. 【俚】哄騙,欺騙[H] They were had in that deal. 他們在那筆生意上受了騙。 14. 明白,懂得[W] I guess I have your ideas. 我想我明白你的意思。 15. 【俚】與(女人)性交 n. 1. 富人;富國[the P] The gap between the haves and the have-nots is widening. 貧富之間的差距在擴大。

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