
2007-09-28 5:04 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-28 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
2007-10-02 7:01 am
The smart way is to compare the aia plan with other insurance company. If you don't mind giving me your age, sex.. I can send you a quotation for you to compare. My email is [email protected] thank you
2007-10-02 12:11 am
美國萬通 - 主力旗艦產品係, 萬用壽險, 不花不假
百幾二佰都有交易, 視乎需要~
[email protected]
2007-09-28 10:20 pm
如果你想買萬用壽險, 買AIA的財富萬用保

基本保額5萬美金, 假設你係20多歲, 維持10年供300蚊/月絕對冇問題, 保証你10年內唔斷單

收費方面有: 投資處理費, 保費, 保單費, 保險費, 行政費, 供10年後, 部份收費會減低, 詳情要問返你agent拎proposal黎睇, 相對起其他投資+人壽plan, 財富萬用保的收費好合理, 保費靈活, 而且唔收買賣差價同基金轉換費, 係想儲錢而budget唔多的年青人的心水之選
參考: AIA財務策劃顧問
2007-09-28 7:09 pm
萬用壽險 is just like savings a/c + insurance coverage.
The interest rate around 4% to 5%. You can deposit and withdraw at any time.
At the same time the beneficiary will receive the a/c balance plus the face amt when the insured is passed away.
But the defects of this kind of plan is you cannot withdraw much at the beginning and there is high withdrawal charges as well as insurance charges.

Before you make your decision to buy or not, ask yourself :
1. Is the interest rate attractive ?
2. Do you need insurance coverage ?
3. Do you need to withdraw in a very short period say 2 or 3 years ?
If the answer is not, I suggest you to buy the Savings Insurance or Mutual fund.
[email protected]

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