急!急!correction of errors

2007-09-28 5:02 am
the plant and equipment has been depreciated at an annual amout of $32500. However, a more realistic figure of $48750 should have been used starting from 1 May 1996.
應該Dr.? and Cr.what?
and 會不會影響Net profit, if yes then should add or less?

回答 (1)

2007-09-28 6:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dr Depreciation expenses 48750
Cr Accumulated depreciation 48750
(To record the depreciation expenses for the year)
你喜歡按月做都可以, 每月的折舊就是 4062.5
這樣, Net Profit 係會減少左的. 因為每年折舊支出大了.

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