
2007-09-28 3:44 am
有没有文獻是對有關方面記載? 如有英文就更好了.....

回答 (1)

2007-09-28 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.缺乏睡眠的壞處 人們若欠缺適量的睡眠,將有可能導致一些後遺症,如白天嗜睡、情緒不穩定、憂鬱、壓力、焦慮、失去應變能力、免疫力降低、記憶力減退、失卻邏輯思考力、理解能力降低、工作效率下降等。而現代生活中,都市人大多工作繁忙,因此較常出現以上的問題。反之,在農鄉的人則能較輕鬆生活,並獲得適量的睡眠,因此較少出現上述問題。


早睡早起型 這類型的人,是最標準又健康的生活型態--晚上很早就寢,約十時入睡,而早上六時左右便醒過來。早睡早起型的人,睡眠循環一般非常規律,有足夠深沉睡眠的即間,讓身體徹底休息。這種類型的人,中午前精神特別好,下午稍差,晚上最差。如果中午適當午睡,將一天精力充沛。


A Wikibreak, or Wikivacation, is a state of a Wikimedian. It refers to a break from Wikipedia for reasons associated with the project itself. A Wikipedian taking a Wikibreak is in principle favourably disposed towards Wikipedia, but takes some issues very seriously.
A Wikibreak can take as little as a few days, but there is no upper limit. The break takes as long as it takes the Wikipedian to make up her or his mind whether to leave Wikipedia for good, or return. A contributor on an extended Wikibreak may become a missing Wikipedian.
A Wikibreak is a good method for cooling down after being involved with POV edits (including edit wars), controversial material, trolls or the like. It often helps to remove some or all pages from one's "watchlist" to better enjoy the break. See also Wikistress.
Wikipediholics find it very hard to take Wikibreaks and often intend to take them but find themselves editing again very soon afterwards.

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