Numbers and Functions (20 marks) Urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-28 3:16 am
1. Given that N is an integer, find the values of the following expression.
(-1)^N+(N+1) + (-1)^2N-(N-1)

2. Prove that the difference between the squares of any two consecutive odd numbers is a multiple of 8.

Please answer the above questions and show the steps clearly, thank you!!!

If you are not sure how to do these questions, please do not answer, thank you!!!

回答 (2)

2007-09-28 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
If N is odd integer,
(-1)^N + (N+1) + (-1)^2N - (N-1)
= (-1) + (N+1) + 1 - (N-1)
= -1 + N + 1 + 1 - N + 1
= 2
If N is even integer,
(-1)^N + (N+1) + (-1)^2N - (N-1)
= 1 + N + 1 + 1 - N + 1
= 4

Let 2x-1 be the smaller odd number, then the next consecutive odd number is 2x+1
(2x+1)^2 - (2x-1)^2
= (2x+1-2x+1)(2x+1+2x-1)
= (2)(4x)
= 8x
Since 8x is a multiple of 8, the difference between the squares of any two consecutive odd numbers is a multiple of 8

2007-09-28 15:59:15 補充:
I misunderstood the Q1, redo...(-1)^[N (N 1)] (-1)^[2N-(N-1)]= (-1)^(2N 1) (-1)^(N 1) = (-1)^(N 1)[(-1)^N 1]Case 1: N is odd number = 1 [(-1) 1] = 0Case 2: N is even number = (-1) [1 1] = -2
參考: I am a Maths tutor
2007-09-28 5:02 am
1. Given that N is an integer, find the values of the following expression.
(-1)^[N+(N+1)] + (-1)^[2N-(N-1)]
N+(N+1) = 2N + 1 = odd no.
2N-(N-1) = N + 1 可單可雙, depend on N.
真係唔 sure, 你個 expression 係點架?


2. Prove that the difference between the squares of any two consecutive odd numbers is a multiple of 8.
(2n+1)^2 - (2n-1)^2
= 4n^2 + 4n + 1 - (4n^2 - 4n + 1)
= 8n
which is a multiple of 8

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