why twins don't let at17 help them to write a song??

2007-09-28 1:29 am
why le,I want to ask??thx you all*

回答 (2)

2007-09-29 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Their REcord and Management companies are different.
2. To prevent from comparison in singing techniques and image (although they have performed together once before, no need for 2nd time la)
參考: Self imagination
2007-10-02 12:12 am
唔知呀.. 可能EEG信唔過人山人海, 你見到EEG好似係冇一個歌手同人山人海合作過既..
同埋Twins既Producter係伍樂城.. 係Baron入面d人.. 你見到Twins好多歌都係Baron入面d人作既

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