
2007-09-28 1:12 am

回答 (5)

2007-09-28 1:16 am
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my love will get you home
2007-09-29 3:21 am
Yazoo - Only you
2007-09-28 3:28 am
M2M既Pretty Boy*
仲有仲有!唔小得michael jackson既...[釋左D中文比你]
{You Are Not Alone}

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be {點解會咁?}
You're not here with me{你並不在身邊}
You never said goodbye{你從來沒有說再見}
Someone tell me why{有沒有誰能告訴我為甚麼?}
Did you have to go{你真的要走?}
And leave my world so cold{你令我的世界變得冰冷!}

Everyday I sit and ask myself{每1天我座著並質問自己..}
How did love slip away{為何愛會流走?}
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone{你不會寂莫的}
For I am here with you{我會陪著你}
Though you're far away{縱使你離開}
I am here to stay{我亦會在這裡等候}
You are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart{縱使我們相隔很遠}
You're always in my heart{你亦會常在我心}
You are not alone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come{呼喚我回來}
And hold you in my arms{將你放在我的懷裡}
I can hear your prayers{我能聽到你的祈禱}
Your burdens I will bear{你的付擔我能為你分擔}
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
參考: 自己`
2007-09-28 2:00 am
Mandy Moore - Crush
2007-09-28 1:17 am
羅家英的only you

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