
2007-09-27 11:24 pm
The SAR could tack on 124 million working hours to its economy.
為何用millions 或 millions of 或 million of 就是錯誤?

In dollar terms, this would mean an additional output of $18 billion

By comparison road length rose 2.5 per cent per year in the same period.

by comparing 或 comparing取代by comparison是錯?

...to ease congestion in the short run. 用time 或 period取代run是錯?

the shift of population to the new towns will continue....

回答 (3)

2007-09-28 2:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.為何(不)用millions 或 millions of 或 million of 就是錯誤?


124 million 是用來形容 working hours,中間並不需要加preposition "of"。但如果句子變成 The SAR could tack on millions of working hours to its economy,咁就可以用 millions of。要注要有exact number的adjective,單位不可用plural,例如: 21 inch TV。

2. Output為何不能被outgoings取代?

不可以。因為output 是special term,指生產力,outgoings指支出。

3. By comparing 或comparing取代by comparison是錯?

如果是句子變為 By comparing with XXX, road length rose.... 就冇問題,單用comparing 取代comparison 就有問題,What are you comparing?

4...to ease congestion in the short run. 用time 或 period取代run是錯?

基本上可以,但short run是Economics入面一個專業term,改咗便變成 layman term。

5. Mobility取代shift是錯?用change可以嗎?

Shift 有由一處轉移到另一處的意思,Mobility及change並不是最合適的字,如真的要改,用migration這字最合適。
2007-09-28 1:57 am
1. The SAR could tack on 124 million working hours to its economy .
The usage of 124 million working hours is similar to 5 working days ( a week/per week) .
2. In dollar terms, this would mean an additional output of $18 million .
The word " output " refers to " quantity of goods " or " the amount of output " while the word " outgoings " means expenditure . Either of them can be used in this sentence , depending on its original meaning .
3. By comparision road length rose 2.5 per cent per year in the same period .
The " by comparision ( with omebody/something) " is a commonly used phrase . Therefore, the use of the phrase " By comparision " in this sentence is correct .
4. ...... to ease congestion in the short run .
The meaning of the phrase " short run " is the same as " short term " . Neither " period " or " time " can be used here .
5. the shift of population to the new towns will continue.....
If the word " mobility (流動性) " is used in this sentence, the mobility of population " means the movement of the population inside a place or an area only . If the word " change " is used in this sentence , the " the change of population " means that there is a change in the population structure . Using the word " shift " means the movement of population from one place to another .

Hope this helps !
2007-09-28 12:01 am
1) "s''is hours
2)output is not=outgoings
3)"by comparing " is correct
4)run is a special noun here

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