Anyone knows the English translation of "摯愛"?

2007-09-27 8:47 pm
Anyone knows the English translation of "摯愛"? For example, she is my "摯愛". Thanks a lot.

回答 (3)

2007-09-27 10:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Loved
2. Beloved
3. Dearest
4. Precious Love
5. Greatest Love of all
2007-09-28 12:46 am
Anyone knows the English translation of "摯愛"?
Beloved 無錯是摯愛, 深愛, 鍾愛的. - 但這是形容詞(Adjective). 永不可寫成: she is my beloved.
只可寫成: she is my true love (noun)
抽象一點的講法: She is my one and only. (美式英語常用這句來表達 - 她是我的摯愛)

2007-09-27 17:04:13 補充:
She is my beloved 是 incompleted sentence, 如加上wife 便OK:She is my beloved wife.只是研究, nothing personal.
參考: SELF
2007-09-27 8:58 pm
摯愛 :loving kindness
You may say " She is my lover".

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