The Factor Theorem

2007-09-27 2:43 pm
a cubic function F(X) with integral coefficients has the following properties:
f(3/2)=0,(x-2) is a factor of f(X), and F(4)=50.Determine f(x).

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2007-09-27 3:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Because f(3/2)=0, so (2x-3) is a factor.
And, (x-2) is given as a factor.

Let the third factor be (x+a)
Then, f(x)=(2x-3)(x-2)(x+a)

Because f(4)=50
So, f(4)=[2(4)-3](4-2)(4+a)=50

So, f(x)=(2x-3)(x-2)(x+1)
=2x^3 - 5x^2 - x + 6

Hope that I can help you! ^^
參考: 2007年會考數學拿A的學生, 現留學英國

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