
2007-09-27 8:27 am
I used the Spybot to search and remove the spyware but those spywares will be shown again on next scanning. Those spywares include :
doubleclick, virtumonde, ErrorProtector, ErrorSafe, LinkSynergy, MediaPlex, MS.WindowSecurityCentre(AntiVirusDisableNotify, ..override,...FirewallDisabled...............), Statcourter, SystemDoctor2006, Winsoftware, WinAntiVirusPro2006....

Please advise how to remove permanently.

回答 (2)

2007-10-03 2:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, why do these spyware/adware exist in your system? You probably installed some software which included spyware/adware. If those software are still installed, they might re-install spyware/adware again even if you removed them using anti-spyware program.
To disable some defense mechanism in your anti-spyware program is to risk your system open to some spyware or even trojan. As an expert in using Ad-Aware and Spybot - Search & Destroy for many years, all spyware/adware can be removed successfully and will not appear again unless you carelessly step into the trap again.
First, I suggest you investigate carefully which software brings along spyware/adware into your system. Second, use the newest version 1.5 of Spybot which provides new function such as real-time protection. Third, also use another anti-spyware software named Ad-Aware 2007 ( Download its free version here ) to double your security measure. Fourth, use reliable online virus scanner which also detects spyware/adware. You can try some of my suggestions in another answer of mine.
參考: I am an IT expert and teacher.
2007-09-27 11:05 pm
本人亦發生同樣問題 , 後來本人嘗試 scan 完及 delete 左上述啲 files 之後 , 馬上再 scan , 結果沒有發現 .
後來才知道是軟件 configuration 的問題 , 或許你可嘗試更改 scan 內的設定 , 不要點選negligible risk & low-risk threats .
又或許scan完之後 , 將上述啲 files 點選為 ignore list , 便會將上述啲files放在ignore file 內 , 以後 將不會 scan 完再出現上述啲 files . 不過軟件未必隻隻設定相同 , 你可嘗試有沒有這樣設定啦 ?????? 希望幫到你啦 .
最後其實上述啲 files 對電腦問題不太大 , 可以不用擔心 .不過就煩啲次次都scan出嚟 .

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